Principles of Personal Data Processing
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (EU) 2016/679, which came into effect on May 25, 2018, we inform you about how we use customers' personal data.
The responsible data processor and user of personal data is Deili Ekspert OÜ.
Who is the Responsible Data Processor?
Who is the Customer?
A customer is a natural or legal person who has expressed a desire to order or has ordered the construction of a private home from Deili Ekspert OÜ. These principles also apply to customers whose relationships began before these principles came into force.
What Personal Data Do We Process and For What Purposes?
As part of the client relationship, the client provides us, among other things, with their name, email address, and phone number, and in the case of a purchase, the address of the relevant property. We use this data for drafting, concluding, and executing contracts, as well as for marketing purposes, including:
  • Communication with the client regarding construction matters
  • Maintaining a contact list
  • Collecting feedback
  • Sending newsletters
  • Providing warranty services
On What Basis Do We Process Clients' Personal Data?
The legal basis for processing clients' personal data is our legitimate need to fulfill the terms of the contract signed or to be signed with the client. This includes maintaining communication for service quality feedback and providing information about events and promotions.
We retain a client's personal data until the client requests its deletion. Upon receiving such a request, we remove the user's data from our system and cease sending them informational messages. Our organization does not retain personal data longer than necessary for the stated purposes of processing or to comply with applicable legal requirements.
How Long Do We Retain Clients' Personal Data?
What Actions Do We Take to Protect Clients' Personal Data?
To ensure the confidentiality of clients' personal data, we implement necessary technical and administrative security measures. These measures help protect personal data from unauthorized access by third parties.
To Whom Do We Disclose User Data?
We do not sell, distribute, or transfer client data to third parties in any way. Only our authorized data processors have access to clients' personal data in strictly justified cases and volumes. These include our IT service provider, the organization conducting feedback surveys, the notary office during real estate transactions, the bank offering mortgage loans, and contractual partners providing warranty services.
What Rights Does the Client Have?
Clients can always request information from us about how their personal data is being processed. We ask that all inquiries and suggestions be sent to the email address:
According to data protection regulations, the client has, among other things, the following rights:
  • The right to be informed about what personal data we process and to receive a copy of it
  • The right to request the correction of inaccurate data or the deletion of personal data
  • The right to object to the processing of their personal data and to request the restriction of such processing
We reserve the right to make changes to these principles. The current principles are available on the website If you wish to file a complaint about the use of your data, you can contact the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate.
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